
999034 Cased Glass White Over Amber Lustre Vase With Oval Cuts & Painted Flowers #1

$ 249.99 USD $ 350.00 USD

White Over Amber Lustre With Oval Cuts Around Bottom, Cuts All Over, Painted Flowers On Bottom, Center & Top, Gold Painted Scallop Lines Around Cuts. Scallop top. Does not have any prisms nor hooks for it.

  • Manufacturer: Unknown
  • Country: Germany
  • 7-1/2"
  • Colors: Amber, White, Gold, Pink, Green, Blue, Red, and Black
Condition: Excellent except for two small chips underneath the top rim. One of them has gold painted over it. There are two flaws in the stem. They're lines inside the glass. It is part of the glass-making process. And one line about 1 inch long, is on the stem and the gold paint has been scratched off (underneath the rose).

I have many other interesting Vintage Bohemian Glass items. I am just starting to list items from my father's 50+ years of collecting. Please check them out.

Seller Notes: I include photos of each item, so you can inspect the exact condition of the item. If it's hard to see damages or other defects on the item, I will mention it in the description, please take a careful look at the photos, and email me with any specific questions.
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