
Surya Floor Coverings - LGC1000 Log Cabin 5' x 7'6" Area Rug

$ 104.40 USD $ 174.00 USD

Mossy Oakr Nativ LivingT is for those who are drawn to the beauty of nature and whose passion for the outdoors inspires them to bring those elements into their home. Using textures, colors, elements, and designs inspired by nature, Mossy Oakr Nativ LivingT offers a variety of products to complement any cabin, home, or lodge.

Bring the outdoors indoor with the Log Cabin collection designed by Mossy Oak. Hand woven in India with 80% leather and 20% cotton, the beautiful colors that make-up this piece were inspired by the colors that are combined for camouflage! Bring your decorating ideas to life with this elegant rug, it will definitely bring the room together with its down to earth colors.



Hand Woven

Knot Type



Recycled Materials

Specific Materials

80% Leather, 20% Cotton

Animal Hide



No Backing


Dark Brown, Camel, Light Gray, Khaki

Pantone #



Hides and Leather


Hides and Leather




Hides and Leather





Border Color

Border Material Details



Outdoor Safe?


Rug Pad Need?

Yes, Recommended

Product Care

However, to ensure for a more lasting quality, steps must be taken during care and cleaning to protect the durability of your polished piece. High powered vacuums, more often than not, pull out of the back of rugs, causing sprouts and a generally unattractive appearance to a once flawless rug. To counter this effect, place your vacuum starting at the edge of the rug, using a low setting and high elevation, or if possible, use hand held attachments when cleaning. As well, over time, the fibers within your piece will unavoidably begin to weaken. When this occurs, regularly, yarn will poke out from the edges of your rugs, and in order to prevent pulling, it is crucial that you do not simply pull the yarn out, but rather, cut these weak fibers using scissors to maintain the impeccable quality of your Surya rug. As well, if spills occur, it is crucial that you immediately tend to the area, blotting it with a towel to remove the moisture and to prevent any stain from setting.

Product Warranty

1 year

Assembly Required?

Assembly Required?
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