285002 - Filament Bulbs
285002 - Filament Bulbs
$ 28.80 $ 36.00
Showcase 40 Watt Clear Tubular Bulb - elk-285002Enhance the look of your new lighting fixture with our vintage-style exposed-filament bulbs. All models offer nostalgic turn-of-the-century styling, energy efficiency, and a warm incandescent glow. Options include: Tube, Candle, Medium, or Reduced-Power-Consumption G9 LED.Product Specs Dimensions ...
D4390 - Regus
D4390 - Regus
$ 478.00 $ 836.50
Regus Outdoor Floor Lamp in Grey and Antique White - elk-D4390Make use of a garden or patio area into the evening with the Regus outdoor buffet lamp. Formed from hardy resin and given a weathered-look finish, this tall elegant lamp is a perfect height for reading on an outdoor sofa or adding illumination to a social gathering.Product Specs Dime...